v0.3.7 (2025-02-10)¶
Contributors: Trevor James Smith (@Zeitsperre), Gabriel Rondeau-Genesse (@RondeauG), Sebastien Langlois (@sebastienlanglois)
Dropped support for Python 3.8. (PR/154).
- Updated the cookiecutter template to the latest commit. (PR/154):
Updated coding style conventions to Python3.9+.
Added the tox-gh package to the CI requirements.
Various dependency updates.
- Updated the cookiecutter template to the latest commit. (PR/136):
Actions have been updated and synchronized. Security hardening has been added to all relevant runner environments.
Warnings in Pull Requests from forks are now less buggy.
The yamllint configuration is a bit stricter but is now consistent for all YAML files in the repository, including the GitHub Workflows.
A new pre-commit hook and linting step for validating numpy docstrings has been added (numpydoc).
All pip-based dependencies used to run in CI are now managed by a CI/requirements_ci.txt that uses hashes of packages for security.
Documentation has been added for
$ make initialize-translations
Fixed a bug where clip_polygon would not work if not given a unique_id during a Query. (PR/143).
The bumpversion workflow now uses the Hydrologie Helper Bot to make signed commits. (PR/156).
- Updated the cookiecutter template to the latest commit. (PR/156):
Updated development dependencies to the latest versions.
Staged support for Python3.13.
Added environment caching to existing workflows.
Small adjustment to typing import for Python3.12+ support. (PR/180).
- Updated the cookiecutter template. (PR/188):
GitHub Actions and Python dependency versions updated.
New pre-commit hooks for vulture (find dead code), codespell (spelling errors), zizmor (workflow security), and gitleaks (token commit prevention).
Disabled coveralls for Python3.13.
Addressed a handful of small issues.
Pin Xarray . (PR/187).
v0.3.6 (2024-07-12)¶
Contributors: Trevor James Smith (@Zeitsperre)
- Updated the cookiecutter template to the latest commit. (PR/83):
Addressed a handful of misconfigurations in the GitHub Workflows.
Updated ruff to v0.2.0 and black to v24.2.0.
intake has been pinned below v2.0.0 until data catalogues are updated to support the new version. (PR/84).
- Updated the cookiecutter template to the latest commit. (PR/126):
The structure of the package is slightly modified from a flat layout to a src layout.
CHANGES.rst is now CHANGELOG.rst. See keepachangelog for more information.
Bumping a release version will trigger changes in the CHANGELOG.rst file. See Ouranosinc/cookiecutter-pypackage #41 for more information.
The licensing text has been updated to conform with the suggested application directions.
Several noqa and fixme statements have been added to pass additional linting checks for now. (PR/126).
CI dependencies are now pinned to the latest version hashes available to Python3.8 using pip-tools (pip-compile). (PR/136).
v0.3.5 (2024-02-19)¶
Contributors: Trevor James Smith (@Zeitsperre)
- The cookiecutter template has been updated to the latest commit via cruft. (PR/52):
xdatasets is now Semantic Version v2.0.0-compliant
Added a few workflows (Changed file labelling, Cache cleaning, Dependency Scanning, OpenSSF Scorecard)
Workflows now use the tep-security/harden-runner action to security harden the runner environment
Reorganized README and added a few badges
Updated pre-commit hook versions
Formatting tools (black, blackdoc, isort) are now pinned to their pre-commit version equivalents
actions-version-updater.yml has been replaced by dependabot
Enabled the labeler.yml workflow to mark changed files in Pull Requests as “CI”. (PR/63).
Enabled the Anaconda build tests and coverage reporting to (PR/63).
Removed the version pin on ipython. (PR/63).
Migrated the documentation from GitHub Pages to ReadTheDocs. (GH/32, PR/67).
v0.3.4 (2024-01-31)¶
Contributors: Sebastien Langlois (@sebastienlanglois)
Fix user-defined climate request (PR/50)
v0.3.3 (2024-01-11)¶
Contributors: Sebastien Langlois (@sebastienlanglois)
Support hydrometric queries when dataset’s coordinates are lazy. (PR/46)
v0.3.2 (2024-01-10)¶
Contributors: Sebastien Langlois (@sebastienlanglois)
v0.3.1 (2023-12-01)¶
Contributors: Trevor James Smith (@Zeitsperre)
Patch update to address a missing dependency (s3fs). (PR/36)
v0.3.0 (2023-11-30)¶
Contributors: Trevor James Smith (@Zeitsperre)
xdatasets now adheres to PEPs 517/518/621 using the flit backend for building and packaging.
- The cookiecutter template has been updated to the latest commit via cruft. (PR/28): and have been removed.
pyproject.toml has been added, with most package configurations migrated into it.
HISTORY.rst has been renamed to CHANGES.rst.
actions-version-updater.yml has been added to automate the versioning of the package.
bump-version.yml has been added to automate patch versioning of the package.
pre-commit hooks have been updated to the latest versions; check-toml and toml-sort have been added to cleanup the pyproject.toml file.
ruff has been added to the linting tools to replace most flake8 and pydocstyle verifications.
v0.1.2-alpha (2023-01-13)¶
Contributors: Sebastien Langlois (@sebastienlanglois)
First release on PyPI.